A weekend gift.

2011-05-08 @ 16:38:25
In case you haven't seen it already, we'll get a free download of the song "Start Right Here".
All you need to do is to sign up or login on your reverbnation account and download the song here.

Sail Away & Headcinema

2010-11-18 @ 07:58:51
So, Linke just posted this on his facebook:
"Hey guys, I just put on a new version of Sail Away and Headcinema on http://www.myspace.com/dertollelinke - enjoy :)"

So you know what to do. Go and check 'em out! ;D

Heavily Armed!

2010-11-17 @ 22:22:55
So people. A new song called "Heavily Armed" is up on Linke's reverbnation! Go check it out :D

Nevermind on reverbnation!

2010-09-17 @ 23:00:26
I'm sure a lot of you've heard the song Nevermind before, and I can now tell you, that it's avaible on Linke's reverbnation! So fly over there and listen to the song! :D

new "song" on reverbnation

2010-09-16 @ 21:55:47
So, as you might have seen, Linke posted a link to his reverbnation with his new snippet that's called "What I Lost".
So go check it out! :)

"New songs"

2010-07-18 @ 15:14:08
You can now find the song Headcinema on his reverbnation!

and you can also find the whole version of We Go On on his myspace!

news about The EP.

2010-06-21 @ 20:51:04
I noticed a couple of days ago, that Linke had comment on his facebook update about The EP was on iTunes.
A fan asked; Will it ever be available on shops or web pages such as Amazon?
Linke: eventually yes
So, it seems like the fans who doesn't have iTunes, will be able to buy it soon too?
Aaaand on the same post;
It IS available on iTunes Germany...

The EP release!

2010-06-12 @ 18:38:50
The EP is now released on iTunes!
You can find the songs;
  • Start Right Here
  • Sail Away
  • A Myth
  • Let These Worlds Collide
  • The Pulse
  • Collect The Stars
Each song costs $0.99 and the whole EP is $5.94 - which is €0.82 and €4.90.
So come on, go buy it now! :)


"No Tomorrow"

2010-06-11 @ 16:59:59
Linke has uploaded a new song, No Tomorrow on his reverbnation!

And for those who doesn't know, this is an old song and the music was also used for the Panik song - Keiner Merkt Es. But this is a new version ;) So, go and check it out! ;D http://www.reverbnation.com/linke

the old version:

New songs on myspace.

2010-06-06 @ 12:23:11
We can now find the songs Let These Worlds Collide and Collect the Stars on myspace! :)
Just click on the link to go to his myspace! :)

Let These Worlds Collide!

2010-06-04 @ 19:48:26
You can now listen to the "new" song "Let These Worlds Collide" on Linke's reverbnation. Enjoy! ;)


2010-06-02 @ 19:38:33
Well, it seems like everything's going good for Linke right now!
As you may saw in the Twitter and Facebook update, his EP will be released on iTunes in 2-3 weeks! :)
So keep your eyes open and be ready to buy it ;)

It seems like there's something wrong with blogg.se right now (not surprised) and that's why somethings might look a bit weird here for today and maybe for the rest of the week, but nothing more about that.
And the update will be a bit bad until next Friday I think. I have 4 graduations to go to until next Friday, I have my graduation dinner and a hell lot of more. So I'm sorry for how it will look like with the updates from tomorrow ;(

New song + poll

2010-05-29 @ 20:32:22
Well, I forgot to post an update, saying that Linke posted a new song, "Collect The Stars" on reverbnation, but I think you noticed that while reading the Twitter updates, heh ;)
Anyways, so. He also posted a poll on his blog, asking us: "What's your favorite song?"
so, click on the link here and vote! :)

A Myth

2010-05-23 @ 18:23:17
You can now find the full version of "A Myth" on myspace! :) click here to come to Linke's myspace.

"new" song on reverbnation

2010-05-21 @ 21:22:22
You're now able to listen to the full version of "The Myth" on Linke's reverbnation profile! Go and check it out! :)

"New song on myspace!"

2010-05-16 @ 12:54:31
We've finally gotten the "new" song on myspace!
It's "The Pulse", the same song he uploaded on Reverbnation!

Go check it out!
Linke's myspace

New song on Reverbnation

2010-05-15 @ 00:41:28
There's now a "new" song on Linke's user on reverbnation!
It's the whole verison of his song, The Pulse, a song that has been avaible in a 1.29 minutes long clip on his myspace!
Click on the link above to come to his account and to hear the song!

New song on Friday!

2010-05-12 @ 21:21:38
As you might noticed in the post before, a new song is gonna be released on Linke's myspace on Friday!
So, don't forget to check it out then, but you can already now visit his myspace and listen to his songs! :)

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