Yu's blog.
2010-06-08 @ 20:40:00Its poison! Even though im a kinda jealous person when it comes to a relationship cause im trying to keep what i have, things are too precious to lose them, but in the music scene or in general. People go crazy about it, for no reason they get jealous and its insulting the whole thing. In so many ways the sense of being a musician gets lost, because of jealousy. I had a nice talk with Linke about that recently, musicians are mostly following all the same dream, share their music with the world, deliver their message, move something in people, maybe make a change and express our feelings, memories or thoughts. We should be all friends!
Of course people get envious if someone is getting more famous than someone else, but some people get the wrong sight, they head out for fame, money, get all the chiqs coming up...but thats not my world. Someone told me, if you date a musician you gotta expect hes taking groupies while being on tour and so on. But there are exceptions and im a good example. I never took advantage of groupies or anyone, most of my time being in Cinema Bizarre i were in a relationship and i never cheated on anyone. Im in good handle of myself to not just jump on the next girl once i feel like and my girl isnt around just because im a known musician and its easy go, thats not right...
Its fine if some people go for such stuff, everyone has their own head, but if thats the only reason they wanna get into music, to be famous and be printed everywhere, shown in tv and getting money and the girls...then they suck!
Were talking about art, the art to express yourself when it comes to music, thats what it is about!
It just turns me very sad how the world is turning about that.
Aneways, i keep my wings spread!"
halloojj! <3
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