Twitter - 2010-06-03 (2)
2010-06-03 @ 21:11:50ca. 2 hours ago
@Sabresgirl26 i couldnt find them in a store either. mine are from 1950s and 1970s, they are really rare apparently
(Sabresgirl26 wrote; "@chrislinke i'm sorry :( but hey do you know where i can find twenty years after? Its not in any stores here :( Kel")
@lilmissqueen yes the movies suck... tho i kinda liked the one with richard chamberlain
(lilmissqueen wrote; @chrislinke I read the count of monte Cristo and I thought it was amazing. But they should make a better movie remake. The movie was awful")
@AlienTrine :) no i dont think many people have that... do they?! :)
(AlienTrine wrote;" I wonder if @chrislinke sometimes get embarrased when he thinks of everyone who has a picture of him as a background on their computers. ")
@Sabresgirl26 'the man in the iron mask' is only a part of the last book. it is called 'The Vicomte de Bragelonne', or 'Ten Years After'
(Sabresgirl26 wrote;" @chrislinke Damn you lol. I have three musketeers and man in the iron mask but i wanna read the one in between them :( Kel"
@Sabresgirl26 well they might have just used the wrong name for the book, but originally 'the man in the iron mask' was only a part..dunno
(Sabresgirl26 wrote; "@chrislinke really? I didn't know that. Lol i guess my bookstore has been lying to me. I'll have to get the rest too now. Kel")