Twitter - 2011-10-30

2011-10-30 @ 21:43:10
Greetings, Mr. Headache. I have been expecting you. The day shall be yours.

To all my readers,

2011-10-29 @ 20:44:12
I'm terrible sorry for the lack of update. It's not okey that I haven't done what I should have done with the blog, but school and family comes first. I've had a lot to do in school since August and I don't lie when I tell you that I've barerly even been able to sleep without my books, it's been that much.
But once again, I'm terrible sorry for the lack of updates and I hope you all can forgive me. I'll try to get back on track this week.
Thanks to you all that's still reading and waiting for updates. You're wonderful.
Love, Jess.

Old facebook post that didn't appear here

2011-06-21 @ 14:01:35
Sorry everyone. We were trying to create custom artwork for this, but lost photos, bio etc. Thought we fixed it, but didnt save a couple photos and stuff. All good:)

Facebook 2011-05-16

2011-05-20 @ 20:56:21
We would like to give away another free download from out EP. Heres the deal - Tell us which song u want AND suggest our page to all of your friends and we will select the song with the most requests. GO!

And sorry for the late update. Busy week you know. (;

Facebook 2011-05-13

2011-05-14 @ 00:17:55
"Have an awesome weekend guys!"

Thought we'd give you another free download for the weekend from our EP. Cheers :)
Let These Worlds Collide by Linke

reverbnation e-mail

2011-05-14 @ 00:14:59
"Hey Linke fans...



Come to our facebook page and click 'LIKE' for all latest updates on the band!



See you there!!!!!"

1 year!

2011-05-09 @ 20:06:38
Hello people!
Today it's one year since I started the blog and I'd like to thank everybody for reading my blog! :)
There's been some problems with and some updates haven't been published, and they're nowhere to be found in my archives :/ I'm sorry for that! (for example, I posted a entry about the free downloading of Start Right Here but it never showed up...).

Anyways, since it's one year since the blog started, I thought I would do something special for you :) and since I watched a couple of Panik videos (the German band Chris Linke was in before), I thought I could post some old videos with him, for those who haven't seen them or for those that just want to watch them again :)
So, I hope you'll enjoy!
Thank you again for a whole year!

And for all those who's been wondering how Linke's ass looks like, well, around 0:28 you'll see it (;

A weekend gift.

2011-05-08 @ 16:38:25
In case you haven't seen it already, we'll get a free download of the song "Start Right Here".
All you need to do is to sign up or login on your reverbnation account and download the song here.

Twitter - 2011-04-22

2011-04-23 @ 22:46:42
I won't dance, merci beaucoup! God damn, I love listening to Frank Sinatra...

some facebook updates

2011-04-16 @ 22:16:54
April 4th;
Have we told you lately just much we appreciate you? Quite a lot!
April 8th;
What do you guys think about this new Radiohead album???

Twitter - 2011-04-09

2011-04-16 @ 22:12:42
thinking about getting the riot logo tattooed on my arm...... hrmm....

New picc.

2011-04-01 @ 21:03:27

Twitter + picture

2011-04-01 @ 21:00:42
March 31

Shitty picture quality, but still: Me and Chad Smith from Red Hot Chili Peppers... last nite was awesome.

Twitter 2011-03-24/26

2011-03-29 @ 20:27:20
"The Sims - Medieval" - how awesome is this... im so gonna buy this.

whats everyone doing tonight?

Happy Birthday!

2011-03-11 @ 21:15:18
Happy 24th birthday Linke!
We all hope you'll have a wonderful day and we wish you the best! :)

Chris Linke

Hi! To make this clear for everyone. I'm not Chris Linke, this is just a blog about him. I'm updating it with everything I'm able to find, that has something to do with him, like things from twitter, facebook, videos etc. :) You can also find the blog on twitter! contact:

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