Facebook 2010-08-27
2010-08-27 @ 23:06:54ca. 20 hours ago
3 hours ago
wow...so many new fans this week :)
3 hours ago
Happy Friday!
Linke's travel bag!
2010-08-26 @ 08:18:00Twitter - 2010-08-26
2010-08-26 @ 08:10:49ca. 45 minutes ago
@BILL_AND_KELLY thank you :)
(BILL_AND_KELLY said; "@chrislinke - hope you are having a great time with your family :)" )
ca. 38 minutes ago

the view from my hotel room in the TREASURE ISLAND hotel in las vegas... http://twitpic.com/2i8nnl
@BILL_AND_KELLY thank you :)
(BILL_AND_KELLY said; "@chrislinke - hope you are having a great time with your family :)" )
ca. 38 minutes ago

the view from my hotel room in the TREASURE ISLAND hotel in las vegas... http://twitpic.com/2i8nnl
Interview with Linke by "Linke FR"
2010-08-24 @ 20:04:19Okey, to make this clear.
This interview was made by Linke FR and I don't owe anything. They were so nice to send me the original interview in English, which means, that I didn't translate it. So, all credits goes to Linke FR. Thanks a lot! :)
The interview was posted on August 6 - 2010.
Do you intend to bring out an album, other than on Itunes ?
- Yeah, the EP we released on iTunes was rather made to have presentable material, so hopefully a full album will follow. :) finding a record label is also one of the things I will try here.
Will you make another videos like Head Cinema ?
- Oh most definitely!
Will you make some real video clip ?
- Hmm yeah, probably if i have a label, as I couldn't make one on my own. :)
Would you like to come in France for a concert ? And when will you come back ?
- Yeah I would like to. I dont know yet when I will come back tho.
Do everything take place well in States for you ?
- Yeah. :)
Do you plan to remain solo the rest of your carreer ?
- No, I don't plan to have a solo career at all, but rather form a new band. As soon as possible I wanna get away from that "solo" thing.
If ever Panik intended to re-form in the future, willyou agree to return as bass player in the group or would you prefer to continue your solo career?
- I think that's impossible to tell right now. Maybe, maybe not. :)
Do you regularly take news from the other members of Panik ?
- Yeah!
Will you give us one day lyrics of your songs ? :)
- Well, just listen to them? :)
Do you always get as well with the other members of Panik or are there any tensions ?
- We get along perfectly well!
Do you write sometimes naturally in German , or even speak ?
- Yeah I do, sometimes that is weird when I'm facing an American person, and start to talk in German all of a sudden.
Do you know Alexandre Dumas complete works ?
- No, there is still a lot I have to read. It's kind of tough to get a hold of all his works though.
If you had the choice, would you prefer a record company or a functioning in auto-production ?
- I don't know what an auto-production is, but yes, I would prefer having a record company behind my back, to be able to record / produce / release the first albums properly.
In the group which you intend to establish, will you completely abandon your role of bass/guitarist player to other one?
- It actually was my plan to sing only, but pretty much everyone convinced me to play the guitar and sing, so I guess I will give in and do so. :)
Would this group be rather a " stage group " simply to support you in concert, or would you share composition and writing with the other members?
- I think it's about good music. It doesn't matter if I write it, or another band member. Yet I believe that I will kinda remain in the position of leading the way, but I think being open for ideas or even full songs from other people is very important. I don't care if I wrote the song or somebody else, and I think neither the listeners do.
Will you accept a collaboration with one or more people from your former band Panik if they suggest you ?
- Sure why not, depends on the collaboration tho. :)
Do you have some good memories of your passages in France ?
- Yeah, the Lille concert still has been the best concert ever to me.
Finally, can you tell us some words in French ?
- Alors, mon francais est files un mauvais coton(is that correct?) :)
Once again, I'd like to thank the girls so much, and thank you, Aubéri for sending me the interview :)
Do you intend to bring out an album, other than on Itunes ?
- Yeah, the EP we released on iTunes was rather made to have presentable material, so hopefully a full album will follow. :) finding a record label is also one of the things I will try here.
Will you make another videos like Head Cinema ?
- Oh most definitely!
Will you make some real video clip ?
- Hmm yeah, probably if i have a label, as I couldn't make one on my own. :)
Would you like to come in France for a concert ? And when will you come back ?
- Yeah I would like to. I dont know yet when I will come back tho.
Do everything take place well in States for you ?
- Yeah. :)
Do you plan to remain solo the rest of your carreer ?
- No, I don't plan to have a solo career at all, but rather form a new band. As soon as possible I wanna get away from that "solo" thing.
If ever Panik intended to re-form in the future, willyou agree to return as bass player in the group or would you prefer to continue your solo career?
- I think that's impossible to tell right now. Maybe, maybe not. :)
Do you regularly take news from the other members of Panik ?
- Yeah!
Will you give us one day lyrics of your songs ? :)
- Well, just listen to them? :)
Do you always get as well with the other members of Panik or are there any tensions ?
- We get along perfectly well!
Do you write sometimes naturally in German , or even speak ?
- Yeah I do, sometimes that is weird when I'm facing an American person, and start to talk in German all of a sudden.
Do you know Alexandre Dumas complete works ?
- No, there is still a lot I have to read. It's kind of tough to get a hold of all his works though.
If you had the choice, would you prefer a record company or a functioning in auto-production ?
- I don't know what an auto-production is, but yes, I would prefer having a record company behind my back, to be able to record / produce / release the first albums properly.
In the group which you intend to establish, will you completely abandon your role of bass/guitarist player to other one?
- It actually was my plan to sing only, but pretty much everyone convinced me to play the guitar and sing, so I guess I will give in and do so. :)
Would this group be rather a " stage group " simply to support you in concert, or would you share composition and writing with the other members?
- I think it's about good music. It doesn't matter if I write it, or another band member. Yet I believe that I will kinda remain in the position of leading the way, but I think being open for ideas or even full songs from other people is very important. I don't care if I wrote the song or somebody else, and I think neither the listeners do.
Will you accept a collaboration with one or more people from your former band Panik if they suggest you ?
- Sure why not, depends on the collaboration tho. :)
Do you have some good memories of your passages in France ?
- Yeah, the Lille concert still has been the best concert ever to me.
Finally, can you tell us some words in French ?
- Alors, mon francais est files un mauvais coton(is that correct?) :
Picc - Aug 22nd
2010-08-23 @ 20:24:42
Wir Siblings im Getty Center
Facebook 2010-08-23
2010-08-23 @ 20:22:27ca 2 hours ago
Now over 16,000 song plays in less than three months! And that's on Reverbnation only. Myspace is even more! Plus #36 on the LA charts in pop category. Thanks for all your support. We will soon be announcing the band members and an upcoming showcase.
Now over 16,000 song plays in less than three months! And that's on Reverbnation only. Myspace is even more! Plus #36 on the LA charts in pop category. Thanks for all your support. We will soon be announcing the band members and an upcoming showcase.
another photo from André
2010-08-22 @ 00:04:23
Twitter - 2010-08-21
2010-08-22 @ 00:02:49ca. 2 hours ago
going to the getty museum with my family... :)
going to the getty museum with my family... :)
photos from André (Carina)
2010-08-19 @ 21:05:56

(Carina is Linke's sister, but she's more known as the André Linke)
You can also find the pictures here
Facebook 2010-08-18
2010-08-18 @ 22:15:023 hours ago
Linke; I appreciate that!
would love it if you can suggest our fanpage to all of your friends:) Thanks!!
comments from fans; "done"Linke; I appreciate that!
You can listen to all currently released songs here!
Linke Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos by Linke at ReverbNation
tweet from Yu
2010-08-17 @ 20:03:05ca. 7 hours ago
back from another l8night workout with @chrislinke good workout good talk, now oyasumi world, another @MIYAVI_OFFICIAL show for sleep!
back from another l8night workout with @chrislinke good workout good talk, now oyasumi world, another @MIYAVI_OFFICIAL show for sleep!
Twitter - 2010-08-15
2010-08-15 @ 19:35:31ca. 9 hours ago
the person who had the idea of having coffee flavored jelly bellys deserves a slap in the face!!
Yu's tweet which includes Linke;
First went to the pool with @chrislinke and later jamming round with @tadahisayoshida ...L.A. days! ;)
one of those infamous night workouts with @chrislinke, now oyasumi to you guys, gotta get up early for a nice sunday with friends! :)
the person who had the idea of having coffee flavored jelly bellys deserves a slap in the face!!
Yu's tweet which includes Linke;
First went to the pool with @chrislinke and later jamming round with @tadahisayoshida ...L.A. days! ;)
one of those infamous night workouts with @chrislinke, now oyasumi to you guys, gotta get up early for a nice sunday with friends! :)
2010-08-13 @ 20:14:58Hello, again!
I'm back from my vacation now and the updating will be normal from now.
I've updated the Twitter entry and I've posted all facebook updates now.
I hope you had a great time :)
I'm back from my vacation now and the updating will be normal from now.
I've updated the Twitter entry and I've posted all facebook updates now.
I hope you had a great time :)
tweet from Yu 'about' Linke
2010-08-13 @ 20:13:46Another night workout, lets flex these muscles! @chrislinke is joining me :)
9:52 AM Aug 10th via web
9:52 AM Aug 10th via web
Facebook updates 4-7 August
2010-08-13 @ 19:46:42Hey everyone. This is Linke's management. He has to postpone the interview today as he woke up being sick. Sorry! We will let you know the next date.
August 7 at 5:23 pmThe Passport Approved/Indie 103.1 radio interview and live acoustic performance, morning (Aug 7th) at 10 am PST (Los Angeles)...tune in if you can!
August 7 at 4:52 pmcomment by Linke; In two hours. 10:00 AM Pacific Standard Time/Los Angeles. Germany is +9 hours guys!!
Getting closer to 1,000 facebook fans. Thanks :)
August 5 at 11:47 pm
comment by Linke; Thank u for spreading the word!
Passport Approved/Indie 103.1 radio interview and live acoustic performance, this Saturday morning (Aug 7th) at 10 am PST (Los Angeles)...tune in if you can!
august 5 at 6:20 pm..Featured artist here.
The best tools for musicians and the best music for everyone else.
august 4 at 6:57 pm
august 4 at 6:57 pm
Twitter -2010-08-08
2010-08-08 @ 12:59:13@PanikxStruck yeah tho i still have to see all versions. i know 3 so far, think the one with louis jourdan is the best!
(PanikxStruck said; "Is watching The Count of Monte Cristo. @chrislinke have you seen it??")
(PanikxStruck said; "Is watching The Count of Monte Cristo. @chrislinke have you seen it??")
@Lost_immortelle hello!
(Lost_immortelle said; "@chrislinke * Hello ?")
@HoldemTalkRadio thanks alot! :)
(HoldemTalkRadio said; "welcome artist @chrislinke ")
thinks the band will be completed very soon :)
2010-08-03 @ 23:22:10Hello!
I'm going on vacation on Thursday (August 5th) and I'm coming back on Friday (August 13th - HAHA!).
This means that, I'm not gonna be able to update the site, since I don't think I'll bother to use dad's computer, and I'm pretty sure there's no internet cafés in the near of where we're going.
BUT, my dear friend Em is going to update the blog everytime she sees something new, like a twitter update or a new facebook status ;)
and yes, this means that I'll miss the radio interview on Saturday. But it's the same time as before (I'll post the European times belov), and I would really appreciate if someone recorded it, and it would be sooooo nice of you, to send it to me :) on the mail, via twitter, in the comments, wherever!
So, I hope you'll have a great time when I'm gone and enjoy the lovely weather (which doesn't seems to be here ;))
European times for the interview;
WET 6-7 PM
CET 7-8 PM
EET 8-9 PM
MT 9-10 PM
Local time (L.A) - 10-11 AM
Click here to come to the site.
I'm going on vacation on Thursday (August 5th) and I'm coming back on Friday (August 13th - HAHA!).
This means that, I'm not gonna be able to update the site, since I don't think I'll bother to use dad's computer, and I'm pretty sure there's no internet cafés in the near of where we're going.
BUT, my dear friend Em is going to update the blog everytime she sees something new, like a twitter update or a new facebook status ;)
and yes, this means that I'll miss the radio interview on Saturday. But it's the same time as before (I'll post the European times belov), and I would really appreciate if someone recorded it, and it would be sooooo nice of you, to send it to me :) on the mail, via twitter, in the comments, wherever!
So, I hope you'll have a great time when I'm gone and enjoy the lovely weather (which doesn't seems to be here ;))
European times for the interview;
WET 6-7 PM
CET 7-8 PM
EET 8-9 PM
MT 9-10 PM
Local time (L.A) - 10-11 AM
Click here to come to the site.
Facebook 2010-08-03
2010-08-03 @ 21:32:52rehearse, rehearse rehearse :)
2 hours agoCancelled show!
2010-08-02 @ 00:00:21So, the show on August 5th has been cancelled due to booking issues. :/
Really sad! Guess we'll just have to wait for another show.
Really sad! Guess we'll just have to wait for another show.